Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Create Your Own Olympic Fun with Games of Old

One of our Friday Fun Facts was that Tug of War used to be an olympic sport.

This got me to thinking what did I do as a child at school sports days or just in the backyard with the neighbours we used to always be having friendly competitions in our neighbourhood.

So this post will give you ideas on how to put together some of these old fashioned games and let your children create their own Olympics over the coming two weeks but they are great for summer time fun at anytime!

What is great about these games is they promote exercise, co-ordination and teamwork in some cases.

Egg and Spoon Race

See who can get across the line without dropping the egg

What You Need
- Spoons
- Eggs (Hard Boiled so it is not to messy)
- Something to mark out the start and finish line (Bin, Rope anything really…)

Line the children up and give them a spoon and let them get the egg balanced.
Start the race and the children have to cross the finish line as fast as they can without dropping the egg – if they do they go back to the start line and try again.

Three Legged Race

Pair up the children and have them use teamwork to balance and complete the race together.

What You Need
-Scarf or Rope to tie the legs together
-Something to mark out the start and finish line (Bin, Rope anything really…)

Place the children side by side and tie the ankles together
The children then walk or run (this may make them tumble) the whole point is for them to work out the most effective way to get to the finish line together.
Mark out the distance and begin the race

Tug of War

A show of strength and tactics this is a fun competitive game for all. Even get Mum and Dad involved to even it up.

What You Need
-A Rope
-A marker in the middle of the rope

Place an even number of children on each side
Mark a line on the gorund
The team achieves success when they pull all team members across the line marked

I hope you and your family have much fun with these fun old fashioned games.

Happy Play Times :-)   

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